I will answer honestly: if a person has a good fate and good luck, he is hardworking, then he will achieve everything in life on his own without any astrologers. If fate and luck are bad, and the person is lazy, and usually it’s all together, then no astrologer will help in any way. And what happens? Astrology is a useless science, and no one needs astrologers? It is not true, there are very useful things that astrologers can do. To begin with, the Chinese astrology that I do is called Ba Zi, and in China since ancient times this position was called Ba Zi consultant or Ba Zi adviser and was fixed at the imperial court as part of scientists and officials.
When a child was born, after a few hours they ran to the adviser Ba Zi, to find out the fate of the child, determine his character and assess the state of health. When the child got older, they again turned to the consultant Ba Zi to find out his inclinations, predisposition to different types of activities, in order to determine his future career. When it came time to get married or get married to the first person they went to when choosing a spouse – this is Ba Zi’s adviser, he selected couples in terms of people’s energy coincidences. By choosing the right wedding date, one could get married and get rich or have a large offspring and a strong family.
After the wedding, the newlyweds were looking for where to build a house and again turned to the Feng Shui master to choose a good place and the correct shape of the house. It must be said that the Ba Zi consultant and the Feng Shui master are usually one and the same person, since these sciences fall into the same plane of metaphysics.
Later, young people became dignitaries at court. Being engaged in government and trade affairs, they regularly turned to the adviser Ba Zi in order to conclude the right alliances, start a war at the right time and understand how to pacify the rulers of neighboring states. Were there military advisers who, right on the battlefield, suggested how best to position the troops, understand whether to attack or retreat? They used the sciences of warfare and made forecasts of Qi Men Dong Jia.
If suddenly someone from the family fell ill, then both the master of Chinese medicine and the consultant Ba Zi were contacted at the same time. To determine whether the disease is dangerous and how best to cure it.
When children and grandchildren were born, everything was repeated from the beginning. And if elderly parents died, then the Feng Shui master helped to choose a good place for burial, so that the ancestors would help the living. Everything shows that throughout life, at various key moments of fate, they turned to a specialist in metaphysical sciences in order to succeed. It is clear that the advisers of Ba Zi led generations of one family, as their advice helped the family to prosper. Indeed, in ancient times, such specialists were available only to the nobility.
So why go to a Ba Zi consultant? To move faster and more efficiently in life, make fewer mistakes and avoid dead ends. If fate is good, then one way or another will succeed. And if an independent adviser Ba Zi is on his way next to him, then the speed and quality of the decisions made will be many times more effective. And in life it saves a lot of nerves, strength and energy. The Ba Zi consultant directs the natural energy of a person in the right direction more precisely, and it is like when you caught a fair wind. If your ship is good, then you will row where you need to go, but why row if there is a person who will tell you how, when and in which direction to set the sail. That’s the whole story. This is what I do. All of the above stages from birth, choice of profession, marriage, business development, to accompanying the next generations.