Tai Sui is responsible for the good and bad events of the whole year
2022 is the year of the water blue tiger. This year’s Tai Sui is General He E. Tai Sui, Prince of the Year, Star of the Year, Spirit of the Year is the energy that is responsible for all yearly events, both good and bad. In ancient China, a tradition was formed to appease the Prince of the Year in order to get good luck and avoid trouble.
Tai Sui 2022 General He E – 壬寅太岁贺谔大将军
General He E is a historical figure in ancient China, the legend of him illustrates the energy of the year 2022 of the water blue tiger. During the Yuan Dynasty 大元 (1271-1368), he was born in the Year of the Water Tiger in Ye County (now Yanling County, Hunan Province) and was given the name He Ben, also known as He E.
He had military talent and was an excellent strategist. He is a true master of both offensive and defensive warfare. After the battle of Guanzhong, under his leadership, the corpses of the enemy were everywhere on the battlefield, so that it was impossible to pass or pass.
Kublai received the territory of Jingzhao from the emperor. General He E helped Kublai subdue the local general Oulu and other military leaders. Accidentally found seven thousand measures of platinum in the ruined castle wall.
After a while, the emperor’s brother received an order to conquer Yunnan. Due to lack of money, the emperor’s brother with the army could not fulfill the order and remained on Mount Lupan. General He E distributed five thousand liang of silver to support the army, which contributed to the occupation of Yunnan. Posthumously, General He E was awarded the title of Yun Go Gong.
Who needs support in 2022? – people born in these years:
Years of the Snake: 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013.
Years of the Monkey: 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016.
Years of the Pig: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019.
To find out who you are according to the Chinese zodiac, follow the link and use your date of birth to calculate the data for free.
The year of birth of the snake is 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013. If your birth year is the year of the snake, then in 2022 you are subject to full punishment, the danger of impulsive actions and wrong decisions. You will begin to feel your power this year and as a result, you will act decisively. Desire quickly and efficiently can lead to dangerous consequences, strategic mistakes, betrayal and traffic accidents. It is recommended to have a personal consultation with the master and order a talisman – a talisman for 2022.
Year of the birth of the monkey 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016. If you were born in the year of the monkey, then 2022 of the tiger is your personal destroyer. The energy of 2022 is opposed to the energy of the year you were born. This is an unstable year, associated with ups and downs, during the year you will overcome many obstacles, difficulties in career growth or business development, special attention should be paid to your health. It is recommended to think at least twice before making a decision and even more so before acting. This is a year of personal transformation, having lived through the difficult experience of this year, you should become better and grow as a person. It is recommended to have a personal consultation with the master and order a talisman – a talisman for 2022.
The year of birth of the snake is 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013. This is the second danger in 2022 for representatives of this sign. If this is your year, then the Tai Sui of the year promises you a manifestation of harm. In general, this is not a very dangerous influence, but still. Harm – this means that you need to pay attention to interpersonal relationships in the family, in society and at work. Quarrels, disputes and insults can provoke harm and betrayal. The energy works in this way: the representative of the year of the horse in his feelings expresses impartial words to others and thereby provokes betrayal in his direction by other people. Ultimately, those born in the year of the horse feel betrayed, but forget that this is the result of their own actions. Hence the recommendation to be very careful to ensure that you behave carefully with loved ones, friends and colleagues. Finances and earnings in 2022 can be weakened and sluggish, so keep a stable rhythm in business, do not let activity decline. It is recommended to have a personal consultation with the master and order a talisman – a talisman for 2022.
The year of birth of the pig is 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019. If you were born this year, then in 2022 the destruction of relationships with people will be an important point, although the general fate of a person will not suffer. Destruction is the kind of energy where it’s very easy to destroy relationships with people who are important to you once and for all, even if you’ve been in a long-term relationship before that. The energy of destruction is very quickly capable of interrupting communication even between bosom friends. Therefore, behave with restraint, and at the slightest appearance of difficulties in communication, immediately give them time and attention. You should also carefully monitor your health, eliminate any minor ailments and troubles immediately, preventing them from getting worse. It is recommended to have a personal consultation with the master and order a talisman – a talisman for 2022.
Author of the article, Feng Shui master: David Vekua.